Aftermarket parts are replicas of original factory parts that came from the car manufacturers. Some people like aftermarket because they feel these parts look slightly more glamorous than the original ones. They're often more affordable than the original parts but they're still of good quality, which is why people like them. These parts are also available at most auto supply stores or online retailers so it won't take as long to get replacement parts for your car.
Getting the Best Aftermarket Parts
If you're buying aftermarket items online, then you'll want to research the companies you're interested in because some companies sell bogus and defective parts. Start by reading reviews of local auto supply websites by customers and look at what they had to say about the quality, customer service and prices of the parts.
Visit the Better Business Bureau's website and inquire whether any complaints have been filed against this company for bad business practices.
Read auto magazines and Consumer Reports to learn more about what look for.
When you visit stores that sell parts, examine them carefully for defects and if the prices are too low or high, then it could be fraudulent.
Most Purchased Aftermarket Parts
Custom seat covers are among the most purchased aftermarket parts. This is because more people want the latest seat designs and colors for their car seats thanks to TV makeover shows that give cars a new look.
Hubcaps are also popular car accessory, and nowadays you can find hubcaps with diamonds, rhinestones and airbrushed with names or other designs.
Sound systems have become popular aftermarket parts, and there are lots more to choose from than in previous years.
Warranty Issues
Because of the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act of 1975, an automotive dealer cannot deny warranty service to a customer just because he modified his car with car parts. The dealer has to prove that the car isn't working because of the installation of these parts. To be on the safe side, have an experienced mechanic install your Aftermarket Parts if you're not experienced in this type of work.